Happy Blogging
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Do you want to get the inside information about changing your life by creating change within your mind?
This is the BLOG…..where we post the articles.
I (yes that’s…Jeff James) write about how to support Your journey, things like…improving your life and making yourself and those around you just a bit happier.
It is all about moving your personal growth forward and keeping you well in the process.
Enjoy this journey…it could change your life.
Well, maybe it will, maybe it won’t.
But more than likely it will make it …just feel a whole lot better.
The Unconventional Guide to How to Become a Better Version of Ourselves in 2025.
Being an entrepreneur, being a leader online, being self-sufficient, charismatic, enigmatic....doesn't come easy. No, it really doesn't. Unless you...
How to Save Money – 15 Simple Ways to Start Saving Money Fast Now For 2025.
Why the World Would End Without Top 5 tips for managing your time well, reducing stress, and working smarter and more efficiently for busy managers.
Being a manager, either in middle or more senior management levels can really be a demanding and stressful job. You have worked your way up the...
Change Your Life Around In 2023: Copy This Number One Rule Of The Rich And Successful For Just One Minute Every Day.
Are you tired of being left behind? Are you tired of being left on the sidelines for that promotion? Not getting that new job? Never finding that...
Why standing is the new sitting: the health benefits of a stand-up desk
We started off as enemies. Eyeing each other across the room, me with some suspicion and reluctance, it with a nonchalant air of superiority. My...
Looking back on the year 2022
2022 What a Year....(written December 2022) A new year is approaching and we start looking backwards... where did the year go? what a year! what...
The Top 6 Health Benefits of Kefir And Non-Dairy, Vegan And Gluten-free Probiotics For A Happy Body And Mind.
Do you struggle to keeping your stomach and gut healthy?
Do you suffer from Irritable Bowel syndrome?
Do you suffer from allergies? Gluten and dairy allergies?
If all or some of these answers are Yes, then this is the article for you.
Jeff’s 7 Top Tips For Getting A Better Night’s Sleep Without Medication.
In our busy lives with the stresses and strains of running a house, work, commuting, family issues and demands, money worries, shopping, health, and...
Positive Thinking Meditation: Stress Relieving Good Hormone Releasing Meditation with Positive Affirmations
An uplifting guided Positive Thinking Meditation: Stress Relieving Good Hormone Releasing Meditation with Positive Affirmations. This mediation is...
How To Create Your Own World Reality.
Do you find that your world and environment is dragging you down? Everything around you is going wrong? Did you know that You can create the...
*DISCLAIMER: Individual results will, of course, vary from person to person (we are Individuals). We cannot guarantee any results/success/income.
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Privacy: A bit about respecting your Privacy.
First of all, I absolutely respect your privacy, name, email address. I dislike spam and excessive emails, they waste time, our lives and are annoying.
I will never share them with third parties. The reason I need your name and email is that I am sending you learning materials, a newsletter, the complementary meditations.
Sharing materials that have changed my life. I want to change yours.
That's it really.
© The content on this site is the Copyright of Think Your Happy and Jeff James circa 2018 -2023.
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